The Implementation Rules of the Audit Committee of
the Board of Directors
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1 In order to strengthen the decision-making functions of its Board of Directors,
ensure the effective supervision of the Board of Directors over the management team
and other senior managers and improve the corporate governance, ADAMA Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) establishes the Audit Committee of the
Board of Directors and formulates these Rules according to the Company Law of the
People's Republic of China, the Code of Governance for Listed Companies, theArticles
of Associations of ADAMALtd.(hereinafter referred to as “theArticles of Associations”)
and other relevant regulations.
Article 2As a dedicated working body established by the Board of Directors, theAudit
Committee is responsible for reviewing the Company's financial information and its
disclosure, supervising and evaluating the internal and external auditing work and
internal control.
Chapter II Organizational Composition
Article 3 The Audit Committee should consist of four directors who are not senior
management of the Company, including three independent directors, and at least one of
the three should be an accounting professional.
Article 4 The members of the Audit Committee should be nominated by either the
Chairman of the Board, one-half and above of the independent directors or one-third
and above of all directors and be elected by the Board of Directors.
Article 5 The Audit Committee should have the accounting professional among the
independent directors as its chairperson and the convener, who should preside over the
committee and be elected by the Board of Directors.
Board. When the office term of any member expires, one can succeed oneself if being
re-elected consecutively. If any member ceases to be a director during the term, he/she
should automatically lose his/her m……