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发表于 2024-12-11 16:50:06 股吧网页版
江铃B:江铃汽车关于2025年日常关联交易的预计公告(英文版) 查看PDF原文


Share’s code: 000550 Share’s Name: Jiangling Motors No.: 2024-046

200550 Jiangling B


PublicAnnouncement onForecastof

the Routine RelatedPartyTransactionsin2025

Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. and its Board members undertake that the
information disclosed herein is truthful, accurate and complete and does not
contain any false statement, misrepresentation or major omission.

I. Brief Introduction

The Board of Directors of Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to
as "J MC " or the "Company") approved the 2025 routine related party transaction
forecast proposal on December 10, 2024.

The routine related party transaction forecast proposal covered all the related parties
with JMC, where total annual transaction with each of them is projected to be over
RMB 51.75 million. These related parties were clarified as Type A and Type B. Type
A means the related parties with JMC, where total annual transactions with each of
them is projected to be over RMB 510 million, and Type B means the related parties
with JMC, where total annual transactions with each of them is projected to be
between RMB 51.75 million and RMB 510 million.

The proposal relates to related party transactions and has been reviewed at a special
meeting of the Company's Independent Directors before being submitted to the Board
of Directors for consideration.

The Board of Directors approved the 2025 forecast proposal for type Aroutine related
party transactions and authorized the Execute Committee to finalize detailed contracts
with the individual related parties and to submit them to the Shareholders’ Meeting
for approval. When voting on the proposals at the shareholders’ meeting, Ford Motor
Company (“Ford”) will withdraw from the voting on the related party transactions
associated with Ford and its affiliates; Nanchang Jiangling Investment Co., Ltd.
(“JIC ”) will withdraw ……


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