§1. Important Notice
1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and directors, supervisors and senior management
of Konka Group Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) warrant that this report does not
contain any false or misleading statements or omit any material facts and all information set forth herein
are true, accurate and complete.
1.2 None of the directors, supervisors, senior management demonstrated uncertainty or disagreement about
the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the first quarterly report.
1.3 All directors attended the Board meeting.
1.4 The Financial Report of the first quarterly report period has not been audited.
1.5 Mr. Hou Songrong, Chairman of the Board of the Company, Mr. Yang Guobin, Chief Financial Officer
of the Company, and Mr. Ruan Rongzong, person in charge of Accounting Organ hereby confirm that the
Financial Report enclosed in the Quarterly Report is true and complete.
§2 Company Profile
2.1 Main accounting data and financial indicators
Unit: RMB
At the period-end of this report period At the period-end of last year Increase or decrease (%)
Total assets 8,630,608,823.72 9,277,974,998.92 -6.98
Owner’s equity (or shareholders’ equity) 3,568,478,528.78 3,547,827,071.63 0.58
Net assets per share 5.928 5.894 0.58
At the period-end of this report period At the period-end of last year Increase or decrease (%)
Net profit 47,065,384.53 26,258,875.51 79.24
Net cash flow arising from operating activities -387,373,316.42 752,654,139.44 -151.47
Net cash flow per share arising from operating
-0.64 1.25 -151.20
Basic earnings per share 0.0782 0.0436 79.36
Diluted earnings per share 0.0782 0.0436 79.36
Return on equity 1.32% 0.77% 0.55
Return on equity after deducting non-recurring
gains and losses
1.37% 0.77% 0.60
Items of non-recurring gains and losses
Unit: RMB
Items of non-recurring gains and losses From the begin……